Conceptual Framework

Our work on the Conceptual Framework provides an overview of different design principles, opinions, and projects and evaluates their potential value for designing spaces in the context of invisible and placeless technologies. After reviewing different historical approaches, we developed a typology of physical and digital environments characterized by different activity patterns. In this context, we also reflect on atmosphere, moods, and materials.

Well-known topics like "relationship between real and virtual worlds", "dislocation", "hybrids", "genius loci" are discussed under aspects of architecture. Looking for the adequate architectural expression of these phenomena originally shaped by information technology, verbal metaphors mark the beginning of the reconfiguration of our workspaces in the age of digitalization.


Workspace will not be "dislocated", because people won’t be either. Our body is transportable, but will not be placeless – like architecture. We will need located spaces in the future; the location of a building or an object is without doubt an important "anchor" of orientation for human perception, a parameter of variation and still a valid category of architectural design.