order to get an introduction and overview over our approach and previous
work, please follow the link
to the website with our publications.
In addition, we can make selected deliverables available on request.
Prante, C.
Röcker, N.
A. Streitz, R.
Stenzel, C.
Magerkurth, D.
van Alphen, D.
A. Plewe
Hello. Wall - Beyond Ambient Displays.
In: Peter Ljugstrand, Jason Brotherton (Ed.): Video Track and Adjunct
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Ubiquitous
Computing (UBICOMP'03), Seattle, Washington, USA, October 12-15,
2003 (Abstract,
A. Streitz, C.
Röcker, Th.
Prante, R.
Stenzel, D.
van Alphen,
Situated Interaction with Ambient Information: Facilitating Awareness
and Communication in Ubiquitous Work Environments.
In: D. Harris, V. Duffy, M. Smith, C. Stephanidis (Ed.): Human-Centred
Computing: Cognitive, Social, and Ergonomic Aspects., New Jersey,
Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.
Mahwah, June 22-27, 2003. pp. 133-137. ( Abstract,
A. Streitz, Th.
Prante, C.
Röcker, D.
van Alphen, C.
Magerkurth, R.
Stenzel, D.
A. Plewe
(2003): Ambient Displays and Mobile Devices for the Creation of Social
Architectural Spaces: Supporting informal communication and social
awareness in organizations.
In: K. O’Hara, M. Perry, E. Churchill, D. Russell (Eds.): Public and
Situated Displays: Social and Interactional Aspects of Shared Display
Technologies. Kluwer Publishers (to appear in fall 2003) ( Abstract)
Th. Prante, R.
Stenzel, C.
Röcker, N.
A. Streitz, C.
Ambient Agoras – InfoRiver, SIAM, Hello.Wall ®.
In: Extended Abstracts and Video Proceedings of the ACM Conference
on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’04) to appear, Vienna,
Austria, April 24-29, 2004.