The project "Ambient Agoras" aims at providing situated services, place-relevant information, and feeling of the place (‘genius loci’) to users, so that they feel at home in the office. This is achieved by using information technology in an innovative way, e.g., via ambient displays embedded in the environment and mobile devices that are used in a combined way. "Ambient Agoras" adds a layer of information-based services to the place, enabling the user to communicate for help, guidance, work, or fun. It integrates information into the architectural environment by means of smart artefacts. The computer as a device disappears, but the functionality is available in a ubiquitous and invisible fashion. Finally, "Ambient Agoras" augments reality by providing better "affordances" to existing places. It aims at turning everyday places into social marketplaces (= ‘agora’) of ideas and information where people can meet and interact.