
  • 3rd Jamboree in Italy will be held in Ivrea, November 20-22, 2003. Workshop on Privacy (download the full schedule)
  • Norbert Streitz: Interaction Design for the Disappearing Computer. Invited Keynote Speech on the "First European Symposium on Ambient Intelligence (EUSAI)" in Eindhoven, Holland. (3.-4. November 2003)
  • Norbert Streitz: Ambient Computing and the Disappearing Computer. Invited Keynote Speech on the "International Workshop on Ubiquitous Experience Media" (UEM 2003) at the ATR in Kanzei Science City (Nara/Kyoto) Japan. (9. - 10. September 2003)
  • Workshop "Public and Personal Artefacts in Ubiquitous Computing Environments" was held June 25-27, 2003.
  • HCI International 2003 Conference, June 22 - 27, 2003, Crete.
    Norbert Streitz: Situated Interaction with Ambient Information: Facilitating Awareness and Communication in Ubiquitous Work Environments and Sounds@Work - Auditory Displays for Interaction in Cooperative and Hybrid Environments.
  • Smart Artefacts and the Disappearing Computer.
    Norbert Streitz: Invited Keynote Speech at the "Smart Objects Conference" (SOC'03), Grenoble, France. (May 15th & 16th, 2003)
  • Troubadour TR07 Creativity² was held at IPSI, 28.-29.10.2002 together with the WorkSPACE and FEEL projects.
  • 2nd Jamboree in Sweden was held in Göteborg, 30.9 - 2.10.2002
  • Workshop "Privacy" was held in Paris, January 18, 2002
  • 1st Jamboree in Switzerland was held at the ETH-Zürich, 18-19.10.2001